
Whether you’re an owner or a renter, battling bathroom mold is a must if you want to keep the room clean, safe, and healthy—not to speak of the damage to walls and ceilings! Its better to prevent mold than have to go through the mold remediation process.

Every bathroom will accumulate moisture—that’s kind of a given. But by reducing your moisture levels in the bathroom, you can prevent mold from appearing, or slow down mold growth if it’s already there.

Keeping your bathroom mold-free is relatively easy if you are consistent in your cleaning and follow these easy tips and tricks to reduce the moisture levels in the room.

Get a Good Fan

The first thing you should make sure you have in every bathroom of the house is an effective fan.

Vents work by sucking the moisture out of the air and sending it outside. It’s the first line of defense against moisture and mold.

The CFM (cubic feet per minute) count on your fan will tell you if it’s good enough for the space. If it’s too small, buy a more powerful one.

Run the Fan Properly to Avoid Mold Remediation

It’s not enough to run the vent during your shower or bath—you should leave it on for at least a half-hour after you’re done.

This prevents leftover moisture from damaging the walls and ceiling and from growing mold. A good way to manage this is to put the fan on a timer—that way, you don’t have to go back to the bathroom to turn it off later.

Use Your Squeegee

Sure, it’s a bit of an annoying task, especially when you’re rushed in the morning, but bathroom squeegees exist for a reason.

In fact, taking a minute to run the squeegee on your tub or shower walls right after washing reduces the moisture in the room by up to 3/4. That’s a lot of dampness you can get rid of and a lot of mold you can prevent.

Fix All the Leaks

Bathroom mold doesn’t just come from the water in your shower or bath. Leaks can also cause moisture to accumulate and mold to grow.

Whenever you see a leak, don’t leave it for “when you have time.” Fix it right away if you can, or call a plumber to do it for you if you need to. Waiting will only make things worse, especially if mold takes hold and starts growing. It’s a lot harder to get rid of mold with mold remediation than it is to prevent it.

Wash Rugs and Towels Regularly

The bath mat, bathroom rug, and towels are ideal mold growth spots, especially if you leave them unwashed for long periods of time.

One easy way to help fight mold in your bathroom is to wash your towels and bathroom rugs regularly—at least once a week—and together.

Clean towels and rugs mean a cleaner, healthier bathroom.

Dry out Your Shower Items

Here’s another one that’s counter-intuitive to a lot of us busy people, but still essential for keeping mold away: removing loofahs, sponges, and product bottles from the shower when not in use.

As they dry, water can accumulate under them, and they become the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew.

Don’t Let It Grow or Face Mold Remediation

As with every prevention method, the best way to avoid mold is to avoid the conditions where it grows in the first place. This means removing water and moisture out of the air and keeping fabrics clean, as well as avoiding water buildups.

At Restoration Authority, we know how annoying these tasks can be but they are a lot easier than dealing with mold remediation. We have seen our fair share of bad mold in bathrooms. Its hard to battle but we believe in you.

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